Behind the research and development

The VL Harness is the world's first movement enhancement trainer for baseball and softball. Developed from human movement, kinesiology, and load physics theorems. To refute scientific law is to disagree with hundreds of years of proven science.


Behind VeloPRO Baseball's revolutionary

Velocity LOAD harness

HOW the Velocity LOAD harness




Within 3 weeks or less - guaranteed

Getting started with your Velocity LOAD Harness


Putting on your VL Harness

for linear drive training


Putting on your VL Harness

for rotational torque training


How to connect your heels

with the VL Harness


Pitching with your Velocity LOAD Harness

Recommended for pitchers aged 11 and up. Usage with the VL Harness is at full speed, but not necessarily max intent. This is a movement enhancement trainer that requires proper human movement that is both rhythmic and tempo driven. Breaking down VL Harness usage with robotic mechanical steps may cause improper usage. Drill steps can be broken down to create leverage points within pitching delivery, but uninhibited movement must be realized for performance gains. ALWAYS START WITH BACK HIP LINEAR DRIVE PHASE (6wk MINIMUM) BEFORE MOVING ONTO ROTATIONAL TORQUE TRAINING. Refer to VeloPRO Baseball's pitching enhancement program to increase and leverage VL Harness capabilities.


To be used with VeloPRO pitching programming

*More pitching drills videos released weekly.

Pitch-ing and velocity enhancement

training with your VL Harness

Dynamic Balance Optimization drill

Counterbalances against mound slope to optimize kinetic chain reaction properties.

Rocker Velocity LOAD drill

Develops healthy and supported velocity, rather than unsupported arm speed gains

An in depth breakdown of heel

connection with your VL Harness

Fulcrum Velocity LOAD drill

Keeps you standing taller and longer to ensure fulcrum leverage remains loaded

Improving Ground Reaction Force

Reduces "coasting" into front foot strike - one of the main reasons for top heaviness.

Phase specific drills training

with your VL Harness

Separation LOAD drill

Syncs kinetic chain reaction by creating tempo and sync within separation.

Power T drill

Builds hip-to- shoulder motor pattern separation into your loaded position.

Leg kick LOAD-out drill

Creates rhythmic power throughout the leg kick and load-out phases of your delivery.

Step Through drill

Enhances linear drive force and KCR sync during throwing and long toss.

How to throw long toss properly

An explanation of what it takes to throw the baseball
properly in long toss.

Eliminating top heaviness

How to support the throwing shoulder throughout your kinetic chain reaction.

How to stop premature hip rotation

Why premature hip rotation occurs and how to stop it from happening.


Hitting with your Velocity LOAD Harness

Recommended for hitters aged 11 and up. Usage with the VL Harness is at full speed, but not necessarily max intent. This is a movement enhancement trainer that requires proper human movement that is both rhythmic and tempo driven. Breaking down VL Harness usage with robotic mechanical steps may cause improper usage. Drill steps can be broken down to create leverage points within swing, but uninhibited movement must be realized for performance gains. ALWAYS START WITH BACK HIP LINEAR DRIVE PHASE (6wk MINIMUM) BEFORE MOVING ONTO ROTATIONAL TORQUE TRAINING. VeloPRO Baseball's hitting enhancement program will be released by the end of April 2017, and will be made available at such time.


To be used with VeloPRO hitting programming

*More hitting drills videos released weekly.

Stance LOAD-out

Response drillMaximizes dynamic balance throughout swing to enhance swing efficiency.

Separation LOAD drill

Increases elastic power and builds proportionate movement within the swing.

Hitt-ing and swing enhancement

training with your VL Harness

An in depth breakdown of heel

connection with your VL Harness

Eliminating top heaviness

How to create support throughout your KCR and maximize swing efficiency in your swing.

How to stop premature hip rotation

Why premature hip rotation occurs and how to stop it from happening.

Phase specific drills training

with your VL Harness